Monday, January 22, 2007

LOVE, me

Nobody ever tell you life is gonna be easy.

Nobody ever say that life is fair too.

Were you asked if you had wanted to be borned?

Not everything in life has a choice.

For all things else that we do have a choice, Life, however, is determined by those decisions that we make.

Nobody is responsible for you.

Your parents may guide you, ultimately, it is your choice.

Whatever your current situation is right now, be it an achiever, an under-achiever, or a total loser, you owe it to yourself.

I have been wishing to stop procrastination for some time now.

I have not been successful because I see it on top of my resolution list every year.

I am not successful because I had wished to stop procrastination. I had not wanted to stop procrastination.

Not wanted to stop procrastination badly enough.

I choose play over work.

I choose to put off work.

I am lazy.

I am not focused.

I have no excuses.

I did not love myself.

My Life was a wreck.

I chose to wallow in misery. I decided to be sad.

Because nobody loves me, so I don't love myself too.

A failed relationship had left me broken.

My LOVE had let me down.

Yes, it was painful. It still pains.

A broken heart is always the most painful. My heart broke.

My soul broke.

My life broke.

(My bank broke too.)

This hurt was caused by someone whom I gave my heart to, but broke it. I was not cherished.

That person is not the only one who had let me down.

Someone else more important did not cherish me either.

I had let myself down. I did not love MYSELF.

I owe myself LOVE that I had denied myself. I must LOVE myself more to make it up to me.

I have made a decision today: I want to LOVE myself.

Resolution 2007 Revised.
  1. Stop Procrastination
  2. LOVE myself

Loving Myself: If I don't, who would?

Thursday, January 04, 2007

New Furniture, New Look, New Year

When a person shakes off his image for a new one, dons a new attire, elevates his stature, does he also manage to refine his persona? Or is he just the familiar rookie he is?

New furnishing, new look, same house.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Dear God...

I pray everyday for strength.

I pray for strength to move forward.

I pray for strength to check my temper.

I pray for strength to withstand unkindness thrown at my face.

I pray for strength again to keep my composure and please Lord, make me not to stoop to levels as low as those who are without strength.

I pray again, for more strength, to be kinder to people who are without strength.

I thank you God, for I am strong today.

Monday, January 01, 2007

Where is the LOVE?

I got to thinking. Do people really change? Or does a leopard really will never change its spots?

Do people conveniently change to suit others? Or do people need to change in order to adapt the environment?

Maybe people never did change, just putting up a front to fit in, like a chameleon.

Where then, is the love?